[horde] FW: Problems after cvs upgrade of horde HEAD -- Jan any ideas?

Virgil E. Alderson valderson at xtg.bz
Sat Apr 7 22:07:00 UTC 2007

Jan any ideas?

	I have also tried a brand new installation of horde on a new machine
pointing to a new oracle schema. But right away just with horde and
framework installed, nothing else, trying to insert an alarm in
Administration/alarms I immediately get this oracle error

Apr 07 17:22:59 HORDE [debug] [horde] DB Error: unknown error: INSERT INTO
horde_alarms (alarm_id, alarm_uid, alarm_start, alarm_end, alarm_methods,
alarm_params, alarm_title, alarm_text) VALUES
('20070407172258.68gy831w9p4w at', '', '2007-04-11T04:02',
'2007-04-11T05:03', 'a:1:{i:0;s:6:"notify";}',
'a:1:{s:6:"notify";a:1:{s:5:"sound";b:0;}}', 'hvghjghyghyg', 'jbjjjblj')
[nativecode=ORA-01861: literal does not match format string] [on line 170 of

My horde has been broken with the latest CVS updates of horde, it is very
slow and just not behaving correctly. That's why I tried horde on a new
machine with a whole new schema. But as you can see I have problems right
from the beginning. 

Please help.


debian etch, apache 2, php 5, oracle 10g, horde 3.2

Well my upgrade did not go well at all. Strange things started happening
like permissions and groups stopped working. I figured Something went wrong
with my update, so I started with a fresh CVS of horde, installed the new
framework components,and ran the sql upgrade for alarms. But that did not
fix things. So I returned to an earlier copy I had of horde and reinstalled
the framework for that revision. Everything seems back to normal now, except
for one user which always throws this error in the sidebar when you log in

  *Fatal error*: Cannot use object of type DB_Error as array in
*/usr/share/php/Horde/DataTree.php* on line *456

*1. We discovered an inconsistency in that you defined alarm_uid as nullable
but you also use it as part of the primary key and oracle forces primary key
elements to be mandatory.
    refer to either  scripts/sql/create.oci8.sql or
scripts/sql/horde_alarms.oci8.sql the both illustrate the same

2. When trying to set an alarm through the new alarms in administration, You
are inserting a Null value into alarm_uid which is part of the 
primary key. See log entry below which illustrates this problem the value of
alarm_uid is NULL

Mar 24 13:58:52 HORDE [debug] [horde] DB Error: unknown error: INSERT INTO
horde_alarms (alarm_id, alarm_uid, alarm_start, alarm_end, alarm_methods,
alarm_params, alarm_title, alarm_text) VALUES ('20070324135852.72z2jcrddf4s
<at> xx.xxx.xx', '', '2007-03-20T04:06', '2007-03-12T02:01',
'a:1:{i:0;s:6:"notify";}', 'a:1:{s:6:"notify";a:1:{s:5:"sound";b:0;}}',
'sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsd') [nativecode=ORA-01861: literal does not match format
string] [on line 170 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Notification.php"] '

3. We still dont understand why the "T" is showing up just before the time,
we have confirmed that our character set is correct oracle does not like the
"T" in the date values.

$.  and I also see this in the log after the upgrade, seems to me that once
NLS_DATE_FORMAT is set it should not have to do it again. But it seems to
happen often.

Mar 24 16:19:19 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL connection setup for Alarms, query
of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Alarm/sql.php"]

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