[horde] FW: Problems after cvs upgrade of horde HEAD -- Jan any ideas?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Apr 10 15:13:23 UTC 2007

Zitat von "Virgil E.  Alderson" <valderson at xtg.bz>:

> Jan any ideas?
> 	I have also tried a brand new installation of horde on a new machine
> pointing to a new oracle schema. But right away just with horde and
> framework installed, nothing else, trying to insert an alarm in
> Administration/alarms I immediately get this oracle error
> Apr 07 17:22:59 HORDE [debug] [horde] DB Error: unknown error: INSERT INTO
> horde_alarms (alarm_id, alarm_uid, alarm_start, alarm_end, alarm_methods,
> alarm_params, alarm_title, alarm_text) VALUES
> ('20070407172258.68gy831w9p4w at', '', '2007-04-11T04:02',
> '2007-04-11T05:03', 'a:1:{i:0;s:6:"notify";}',
> 'a:1:{s:6:"notify";a:1:{s:5:"sound";b:0;}}', 'hvghjghyghyg', 'jbjjjblj')
> [nativecode=ORA-01861: literal does not match format string] [on line 170 of
> "/usr/local/Zend/Core/share/pear/Horde/Notification.php"]
> My horde has been broken with the latest CVS updates of horde, it is very
> slow and just not behaving correctly. That's why I tried horde on a new
> machine with a whole new schema. But as you can see I have problems right
>> from the beginning.
> Please help.
> 	Virgil
> debian etch, apache 2, php 5, oracle 10g, horde 3.2
> Well my upgrade did not go well at all. Strange things started happening
> like permissions and groups stopped working. I figured Something went wrong
> with my update, so I started with a fresh CVS of horde, installed the new
> framework components,and ran the sql upgrade for alarms. But that did not
> fix things. So I returned to an earlier copy I had of horde and reinstalled
> the framework for that revision. Everything seems back to normal now, except
> for one user which always throws this error in the sidebar when you log in
>   *Fatal error*: Cannot use object of type DB_Error as array in
> */usr/share/php/Horde/DataTree.php* on line *456
> *1. We discovered an inconsistency in that you defined alarm_uid as nullable
> but you also use it as part of the primary key and oracle forces primary key
> elements to be mandatory.
>     refer to either  scripts/sql/create.oci8.sql or
> scripts/sql/horde_alarms.oci8.sql the both illustrate the same
> inconsistency.
> 2. When trying to set an alarm through the new alarms in administration, You
> are inserting a Null value into alarm_uid which is part of the
> primary key. See log entry below which illustrates this problem the value of
> alarm_uid is NULL
> Mar 24 13:58:52 HORDE [debug] [horde] DB Error: unknown error: INSERT INTO
> horde_alarms (alarm_id, alarm_uid, alarm_start, alarm_end, alarm_methods,
> alarm_params, alarm_title, alarm_text) VALUES ('20070324135852.72z2jcrddf4s
> <at> xx.xxx.xx', '', '2007-03-20T04:06', '2007-03-12T02:01',
> 'a:1:{i:0;s:6:"notify";}', 'a:1:{s:6:"notify";a:1:{s:5:"sound";b:0;}}',
> 'sdfsdf',
> 'sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsd') [nativecode=ORA-01861: literal does not match format
> string] [on line 170 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Notification.php"] '
> 3. We still dont understand why the "T" is showing up just before the time,
> we have confirmed that our character set is correct oracle does not like the
> "T" in the date values.
> $.  and I also see this in the log after the upgrade, seems to me that once
> NLS_DATE_FORMAT is set it should not have to do it again. But it seems to
> happen often.
> Mar 24 16:19:19 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL connection setup for Alarms, query
> of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Alarm/sql.php"]
> Virgil
> --
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