[horde] Potential Security Risk in specific Configuration

Markus Petzsch m.petzsch at net-hoster.de
Sun Apr 22 08:28:21 UTC 2007

Chuck Hagenbuch schrieb:
> What do you mean that including the servername would cause  
> calendar/notes sharing problems?
> Your particular problem is exactly what the "realms" feature in IMP is  
> for - user data is stored with their full user at domain.com name based  
> on what email server they log in to.
> -chuck
If user test at example.com grants rights for a notepad created by him to 
test2 at example.com he would now have to grant those rights to 
test2 at example.com@3.kunden-server.org, right? Not nice but if I'd place 
a hint in the translation it should still be usable.

To bad I have overseen that feature when first setting up Horde. Now 
it's quite a sissphus work to convert all the existing users.

But thanks for the hint, it was exactly what I was looking for.


Markus Petzsch

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