[horde] Registry calls fail within an SSI included file

Christoph Freundl Christoph.Freundl at informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Fri Jun 15 13:27:06 UTC 2007

Am Freitag 15 Juni 2007 schrieb Jan Schneider:
> Zitat von Christoph Freundl 
<Christoph.Freundl at informatik.uni-erlangen.de>:
> What weird characters?

Well, it is just rubbish (for the given example in my environment it is 
exactly " ‹ ������ r,*J¬äÒàR�‚hƒX [;…䌴¢ÔÒ¼ ˆ˜!XÌÌÒÀÀÂÌ4ÉØÄ 
5Å"-9ÍÐÄ(ÙÔÄÂÔÜ0ÙÔÌÐŒK“ ���ÿÿ �} ºwJ���") but this strange output is 
obviously produced during the registry call. Plus, for a given 
registry call, the output is always the same.

> > Due to my limited experience I do not
> > know whether this is a more general PHP problem, an Apache SSI
> > issue, or if it is specific to Horde. However, including the
> > call.php script attached below in a shtml page works fine.
> Since calling horde.php directly works fine, I'd say it's an SSI
> issue. But since your description is pretty vague, it's hard to
> tell.

I am aware of that, but I have no clue where else to start asking for 
help. As I told, I tracked the source of the error down to 
the "call_user_func_array" call in the registry, but then again the 
call.php script works fine. As I am a newbie to Horde, I do not know 
whether the Horde environment might have an influence, that's why I 
decided to start in this mailing list.

Regards, Christoph

Christoph Freundl                                    PGP Key 0xDFAC9985
Lehrstuhl für Systemsimulation (Inf. 10), Cauerstr. 6, D-91058 Erlangen
Tel: +49-9131-85-28676 | A transistor protected by a fast-acting fuse
Fax: +49-9131-85-28928 |    will protect the fuse by blowing first.

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