[horde] [wicked] wiki search yields zero results

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jun 26 19:18:21 UTC 2007

Quoting Joseph Malone <josephmalone at higlum.com>:

> I'm confused. Is the wiki search function working for everyone else
> out there? In our setup, any search query brings back no matches,
> with no errors in any logs. Is anyone else having problems?
> Version Info:
> Horde: 3.1.1
> Wicked: 1.0-cvs

Works fine for me. It's possible that you need Horde 3.2-CVS, which  
will be the requirement for Wicked 1.0 when it is released. Also,  
Wicked now requires Text_Wiki 1.2.0+, but that shouldn't affect  


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