[horde] using horde in a virtualhost

Andreas Calvo andreas.calvo at admi.esci.es
Fri Jun 29 09:00:40 UTC 2007

For the past weeks I've been using to configure a 
horde-groupware-webmail into an apache's virtualhost, without any success.
I also have a stand-alone horde with IMP configured into a virtualhost, 
which has been working for the past two years, so now I feel a little 
bit lost.
Every time I try to load the page, Firefox complains about not being 
well redirected.
On IRC someone point me to configure the cookies, but both hordes are 
using the same pattern and configuration.
Here is the configuration I am using:
    ServerAdmin webmaster at esci.es
    Alias /horde/ /var/www/localhost/htdocs/horde-webmail
    Alias /imp/ /var/www/localhost/htdocs/horde-webmail/imp/
    DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/htdocs/horde-webmail
    ServerName webmail.esci.es
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/webmail.esci.es-error_log
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/webmail.esci.es-access_log common

horde conf.php (some parameters are missing intencionally):
$conf['debug_level'] = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;
$conf['max_exec_time'] = 0;
$conf['compress_pages'] = true;
$conf['umask'] = 077;
$conf['use_ssl'] = 2;
$conf['server']['name'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$conf['server']['port'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
$conf['session']['name'] = 'Horde';
$conf['session']['use_only_cookies'] = true;
$conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
$conf['session']['timeout'] = 0;
$conf['cookie']['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$conf['cookie']['path'] = '/';
$conf['sql']['persistent'] = true;
$conf['sql']['protocol'] = 'unix';
$conf['sql']['charset'] = 'utf-8';
$conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
$conf['auth']['checkip'] = true;
$conf['auth']['checkbrowser'] = true;
$conf['auth']['alternate_login'] = false;
$conf['auth']['redirect_on_logout'] = false;
$conf['auth']['params']['app'] = 'imp';
$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'application';
$conf['signup']['allow'] = false;
$conf['log']['priority'] = PEAR_LOG_NOTICE;
$conf['log']['ident'] = 'HORDE';
$conf['log']['params'] = array();
$conf['log']['name'] = '/tmp/horde.log';
$conf['log']['params']['append'] = true;
$conf['log']['type'] = 'file';
$conf['log']['enabled'] = true;
$conf['log_accesskeys'] = false;
$conf['prefs']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'sql';
$conf['datatree']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
$conf['datatree']['driver'] = 'sql';
$conf['group']['driver'] = 'datatree';
$conf['cache']['default_lifetime'] = 1800;
$conf['cache']['params']['dir'] = Horde::getTempDir();
$conf['cache']['params']['gc'] = 86400;
$conf['cache']['driver'] = 'file';
$conf['token']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
$conf['token']['driver'] = 'sql';
$conf['mailer']['params']['auth'] = '0';
$conf['mailer']['type'] = 'smtp';
$conf['vfs']['params']['vfsroot'] = '/tmp';
$conf['vfs']['type'] = 'file';
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['persistent'] = false;
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['rowlocking'] = true;
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['protocol'] = 'unix';
$conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'mysql';
$conf['mime']['magic_db'] = '/etc/mime.types';
$conf['geoip']['datafile'] = '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat';
$conf['problems']['email'] = 'administrador at esci.es';
$conf['problems']['maildomain'] = 'esci.es';
$conf['problems']['tickets'] = false;
$conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
$conf['menu']['always'] = false;
$conf['menu']['links']['help'] = 'all';
$conf['menu']['links']['help_about'] = true;
$conf['menu']['links']['options'] = 'authenticated';
$conf['menu']['links']['problem'] = 'all';
$conf['menu']['links']['login'] = 'all';
$conf['menu']['links']['logout'] = 'authenticated';
$conf['hooks']['permsdenied'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['username'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['preauthenticate'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['postauthenticate'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['authldap'] = false;
$conf['portal']['fixed_blocks'] = array();
$conf['accounts']['driver'] = 'null';
$conf['imsp']['enabled'] = false;
$conf['kolab']['enabled'] = false;

Is there something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Andreas Calvo Gómez <andreas.calvo at admi.esci.es>
Dept. Informàtica ESCI
Pg. Pujades, 1 08003 Barcelona
tel. (34) 932954710 ext.233 fax. (34) 932954720

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