[horde] strange login problem

Stephane Caminade stephane.caminade at ias.u-psud.fr
Wed Aug 22 11:55:36 UTC 2007


Most likely it is something to do with the length of the password.
The first 8 chars are significant in some systems, and the rest is 

You could have a look at this maybe, just ask him to type keht77&0 as 
password and see what happens.


Philippe Trolliet a écrit :
> hi,
> one of my users said sth about a strange login problem.
> he had one password but the another one did work too.
> these are the two passwords, one password is the real one and the other is a
> password was never used by him on our mailserver.
> password 1:	keht77&0nme
> password 2:	keht77&0nba
> the user could login with both of the passwords.
> is it possible that it has something to do with the '&'-sign?
> the user changed his password from the initial password he got to one of the
> above with the passwd module in horde.
> any idea?
> regards
> philippe

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