[horde] setting up a horde install

Jonathan Horne freebsd at dfwlp.com
Mon Sep 3 17:42:48 UTC 2007

On Monday 03 September 2007 05:55:31 eculp at encontacto.net wrote:
> Could it be that you may have forgotten to:
>    cd horde/turba/scripts/sql
>    mysql --user=horde --password=changed_horde horde <
> turba_objects.mysql.sql
> assuming of course that you are using sql for turba.
> good luck,
> ed

arg!  ed, i was very excited about your reply, as this was something that was 
not in the sparse readme.  however my glimmer of hope was dashed with the 
return of:

ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 8: Table 'turba_objects' already exists

could it be my configuration on the turba page?  is there a place i can read 
about what each of the blanks on the setup pages really means?  some of them 
are kind of cryptic.  for instance, on turba:

Name of client addressbook  [localsql]

im not sure if thats right, but thats what's there (by default).  im having a 
tough time finding my way around the horde.org website... is there some tome 
of definitive knowledge there?

Jonathan Horne
freebsd at dfwlp.com

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