[horde] sessions in horde_sessionhandler table not cleaned.

robert sand rsand at duluth.umn.edu
Thu Sep 13 15:48:21 UTC 2007

It seems that my horde_sessionhandler table is not getting the stale session data cleaned from it.  I am using mysql 
with horde3.  Is there a reason why horde would not clean old sessions from the table?  I am not seeing any messages 
stating that the mysql session handler cannot clean the sessions.  Am I missing a php variable setting or a horde config 
setting to clean these sessions out?  I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

Robert Sand.
mailto:rsand at d.umn.edu
1208 Kirby Drive
366 K Plz
Duluth, MN 55812-3095
218-726-6122        fax 218-726-7674

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Walk beside me and we walk together"  UTE Tribal proverb.

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