[horde] No html rendering in IMP

Anders Norrbring lists at norrbring.se
Thu Sep 20 16:37:25 UTC 2007

Jan Schneider skrev:
> Zitat von Anders Norrbring <lists at norrbring.se>:
>> Anders Norrbring skrev:
>>> Jan Schneider skrev:
>>>> Zitat von Anders Norrbring <lists at norrbring.se>:
>>>>> Jan Schneider skrev:
>>>>>> Zitat von Anders Norrbring <lists at norrbring.se>:
>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>> When looking at a html mail in IMP, it's showed as text, with  
>>>>>>> the tags etc.
>>>>>>> What may I have overlooked?
>>>>>> A broken message.
>>>>>> Jan.
>>>>> True, but this is valid for all html messages on the system as it seems.
>>>>> I've checked a lot by now.
>>>> Then you have a broken c-client.
>>>> Jan.
>>> Well,
>>> Now I've upgraded to c-client /imap-lib 2006 and PHP 5.2.4, and no
>>> difference whatsoever.
>>> There must be some setting, or module that I overlook, I'm turning blind
>>> on this...
>>> Anders.
>> Yep. It was..
>> I found it, finally. I looked at
>> http://www.horde.org/imp/docs/?f=INSTALL.html again, and the part for
>> inline html under 2. Configuring IMP, say nothing at all about the
>> mime_drivers_map....
>> It was:
>>   $mime_drivers_map['imp']['registered'] = array(
>>      'alternative', 'appledouble', 'enriched',/* 'html', */ 'images',
>> 'itip', 'multipart', 'notification', 'partial', 'pgp', 'pkcs7', 'plain',
>>      'related', 'rfc822', 'status', 'tnef', 'zip');
>> And the commented out 'html' isn't mentioned in the documentation. I
> Because you added that yourself.

Uhm... No, I didn't.
But packing up the SUSE rpm source build of IMP discovers that it's 
changed there.
And of course not mentioned in any change file. Oh well, I've learned 
something new... Never trust other's builds.


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