[horde] Couple of odd problems...

Ashley M. Kirchner ashley at pcraft.com
Wed Sep 26 02:42:44 UTC 2007

    I have Horde setup to let IMP do the authentication.  This used to 
work flawlessly.  Now when I try to log in, I have to do it several 
times before it actually takes.  I would type in my username, type in 
the password and hit the login and it simply refreshes back to the same 
window.  Some times this happens multiple times.  In horde.log, it shows 
that I have successfully authenticated, with every attempt.  So why is 
it refreshing back to the login screen?

    Another part that's no longer working, gollem.  I used to be able to 
click on the FTP server listed and it would show up.  Now all I get is a 
blank window that refreshes every 30 seconds - or attempts to...it just 
gives me a blank window.  Again, according to horde.log, AND the remote 
FTP server, I AM logging in successfully, but for some reason horde 
won't actually do anything...

    I've cleared all sessions from the server, I've cleared all cookies 
locally...nothing seems to help.

    Suggestions, before I re-install everything from scratch again?

H | It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature.
  Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:ashley at pcraft.com>   .   303.442.6410 x130
  IT Director / SysAdmin / Websmith             .     800.441.3873 x130
  Photo Craft Imaging                       .     3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6
  http://www.pcraft.com ..... .  .    .       Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A. 

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