[horde] problem with forward imp and attachment

LEVEAU Stanislas stanislas.leveau at ac-caen.fr
Fri Sep 28 15:48:52 UTC 2007


I've got a problem with the forward

When I forward a mail with an attachment with thunderbird or an other 
client and after this forward I see this mail with my Webmail(IMP 
Horde), this attachment is ok, size  = 228 ko
after with my Webmail I forward this mail, when the person receive my 
mail there is the attachment but the size = 0 ko

Resum :
thunderbird (forward a mail) ----> IMP Horde(mail ok size=228ko) ----> 
IMP Horde(forward this mail) ---->IMP Horde or client (mail is not ok 
attachement size = 0ko)

There is no problems when the client is configure with integrate 
attachement in the mail, but if it's not integrate i have this problem.


*LEVEAU Stanislas**
*Rectorat de Caen
168, rue Caponière
B.P. 6184
14061 CAEN Cedex

Service Informatique de l'académie de Caen
Département Systèmes & Réseaux/

 Tel :

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