[horde] Removing users from Horde database

Bill Graham grahamcw at hurleybulldogs.com
Mon Jan 14 00:21:36 UTC 2008

At one time I had posted a script to the wiki for cleaning out Horde  
database files after deleting users.
I don't see it there any more
Let me know if you would like a copy


Bill Graham
Systems Administrator
Hurley Public Schools
Hurley,SD 57036
grahamcw at hurleybulldogs.com

Quoting Leonardo Rodrigues Magalhães <leolistas at solutti.com.br>:

> Josh Webb escreveu:
>> I just set up Horde, with Imp and a few other modules. User   
>> authentication is being done by Imp, which is authenticating to our  
>>  IMAP server. It works. What concerns me is that when I delete a   
>> user from the mail server, Horde has no way to know that the user   
>> was deleted, so the users preferences, address books, etc. stay in   
>> the Horde database. So, my question is, how do I remove users from   
>> the horde database? I have phpMyAdmin, so I can search for and   
>> delete the records relating to a user, but will that break   
>> anything? Is there a better way? This setup is at a school. So,   
>> yearly, there will be hundreds of accounts that will need to be   
>> removed.
>    I think the easiest way is have your account admin interface to   
> connect to horde database and delete records from the tables   
> filtering by the uid which will be your being-deleted user   
> account/email address.
>    Deleting users from your users database and then, later, try to   
> make horde databases 'clean' enough seems the most difficult option   
> to me.
> -- 
> 	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
> 	Leonardo Rodrigues
> 	Solutti Tecnologia
> 	http://www.solutti.com.br
> 	Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
> 	gertrudes at solutti.com.br
> 	My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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