[horde] User management with Horde

Listaccount lst_hoe01 at kwsoft.de
Fri Jan 18 14:51:24 UTC 2008


we like to do user management with Horde/IMP instead of using some  
other tool like web-cyradm or LAM (LDAP Account manager) additionally.  
 From what i can see there is only basic user management possible  
(create/delete IMAP account).

What we need

- Set additional attributs to every Account like quota, real name,  
address not visible and changeable by the user.
- Set routing information for the MTA like e-mail aliases, and fixed  
forwarding (transport).
- Reset password

Are their any plans on this or is some documentation available how the  
current system should work and which modules are used.
How do others do user management when using Horde?

Thanxs for any help


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