[horde] Active Directory - Kronolith Calendar Group Permissions

Mike Peachey mike.peachey at jennic.com
Fri Jan 18 16:16:37 UTC 2008

Mike Peachey wrote:
> Mike Peachey wrote:
>> X-Relates-To: Kronolith
>> X-Relates-To: Active Directory
>> X-Relates-To: Group Permissions
>> The complex, but perfect, solution would be to write into the code extra 
>> AD support, and possibly a checkbox on the config page for "Are groups 
>> in an AD server" that would, instead of searching for groups on a user 
>> filter, search for memberOf within the current user.


I've managed to temporarily solve the problem by adding a third 
parameter to getGroupMemberships():

$userDN = false

This way, iff you pass a DN as a third param, the DN is used to lookup 
group membership instead of the uid passed as the first parameter. Then, 
in services/shares/edit.php, where getGroupMemberships is called, 
because there is a user object there stored in $auth, I can call 
$auth->_findDN(Auth::getAuth()) and pass it as a third parameter.

The problem here is that this is a complete mess and difficult to 
sustain across the upgrade path.

I'm taking this (one-man) discussion to the dev list.
Kind Regards,


Mike Peachey, IT
Tel: +44 114 281 2655
Fax: +44 114 281 2951
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England

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