[horde] Kronolith URL of remote subscription

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Wed Jan 23 14:39:25 UTC 2008

Ryan Steele a écrit :
> Gerard,
> I think I remember seeing that if you're using https, you have to
> specify the port.  And, there is a bug in the URL in RC1 - remove the
> leading 'kronolith' in the URL... e.g.:
> https://myWebmail:443/rpc.php/kronolith/myagenda.ics
> HTH,
> Ryan
> --
> Ryan Steele
> Systems Administrator
> The Archer Group
> Gerard Breiner wrote:
>> I've actually tried to synchronize kronolith/sunbird . I use the package 
>> horde-webmail-1.1-rc1.
>> When I edit my agenda under Kronolith the URL of remote subscription is :
>> https://myWebmail/kronolith//rpc.php/kronolith/myagenda.ics .
>> It seems there is a serious bug in this URL, isn't it ?
>> I found an HowTo in which the URL of remote subscription is :  
>> https://webmail/kronolith/RPC/webdav.php/agenda.ics
>> An idea of this problem please ?
>> Best regards
>> Gerard
Thanks Ryan but it doesn't work. I get a window  "error getting 
calendar" with the message : "Publishing the calendar file failed. 
Status code: 400: Bad Request." I use  horde-webmail-1.1-rc1. At the end 
my question is :  Does kronolith can manage Calendar from Sunbird and 
conversely with this distribution?  If yes then it is a first step 
toward the solution ;-)
Considering Sunbird, what do I select  as format in the interface of 
Sunbird (iCalendar or CalDav) ?
Considering WebDav, what do I need to install/configure ?

Thanks by advance.


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