[horde] Kronolith URL of remote subscription

Ryan Steele rsteele at archer-group.com
Wed Jan 23 16:32:59 UTC 2008


I was incorrect, and have no problem with admitting the mistake.  My
mind had confused the two, and it wasn't until Mike replied that it
jogged my memory.  I don't, however, think "No." is a very good
explanation under most circumstances.  Even "mod_dav: No.  Pear's
HTTP_WebDAV_Server: Yes." would have been more helpful than a one-word
response.  In any event, keep up the good work!


Ryan Steele
Systems Administrator
The Archer Group

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Ryan Steele <rsteele at archer-group.com>:
>> As helpful as "No." is, I think that explanation probably requires
>> further elaboration.  And, it won't work without mod_dav.
> Where is the mod_dav dependency? HTTP_WebDAV_Server is something different.
> -chuck

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