[horde] lightning set the calendar in read mode

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Fri Jan 25 14:35:06 UTC 2008

Jan Schneider a écrit :
> Zitat von Gerard Breiner <gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr>:
>> Hello,
>> I set up lightning to reload each of 2 mn for testing. I created a new
>> event and published succesfully on my webmail. After 2 mn lightning
>> warned me with this error : ICS_FILE and set up my calendar in read mod.
>> I suppose this is a well-known error but after searching on the net I
>> didn't find anything.
>> May you help me please ?
> How? I would ask the Lightning developers what this error means.
> Jan.
This error happens each time the diaries are updated . Moreover, all 
data of the diary (side lightning) are deleted but side kronolith data 
are kept.
The exact error is : Error Number: *ICS_FILE*
Description: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x804a0107
[calIICSService.parseICS]"  nsresult: "0x804a0107 (<unknown>)"
location: "JS frame ::


:: ip_parseString :: line 60"  data: no]

Could you tell me which is the version of Sunbird or lightning that 
works fine with kronolith ?  Maybe neither ... I tried each of them but 
I suspect that an older version would be better than 0.7 .
My version of lightning is : 0.7
However I set the same TimeZone parameters for kronolith and Lightning 
because I thought it was the problem .
Another question that make me puzzle is "When I create a new event in my 
diary kronolith it is not updated in the diary lightning whereas I 
published the diary lightning.

Thanks by advance


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