[horde] IMP+MIME parts showing up in the body of messages with atttachments

John Gates dimante at dimante.net
Fri Feb 29 14:26:05 UTC 2008

 On my messages with attachements the following keeps showing up above and below my messages when reading them:

<table class="mimePartInfo"><tr valign="middle"><td><img src="/horde/themes/tango-blue/graphics/mime/text.png" alt="" title="multipart/alternative" /></td> 

<table class="mimePartInfo"><tr valign="middle"><td><img src="/horde/themes/tango-blue/graphics/mime/text.png" alt="" title="text/plain" /></td> 

Is there something I can set not to see this?  

Best Regards,
John Gates
Dimante Computer Services LLC

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