[horde] installation for beginners

Andrew U. Frank frank at geoinfo.tuwien.ac.at
Sun Mar 9 10:10:08 UTC 2008

i am tired of exchange and convinced that horde is an interesting
approach, but i have difficulties installing. i am reasonable with
linux/ubuntu, but not a php expert.

i could not find a simple, step by step description how to set-up horde
(both the server and the clients). i read sami dalouche's how to, but
this does not give enough detail. when i type http://server/horde3 i end
up at a private company advertising?? why change the owner to www-data?

i understand that horde is a complex setup - but it is unnecessary
difficult to start it. please descdribe a simple set-up that works (it
need not be fancy and not be the most secure) and i (and others) will
learn from there. at the moment, the entry is too difficult.

if such a how-to exist, then please point me to it (but i checked the
FAQ and there i found no instructions for a simple case...) and forgive
me (and perhaps make it easier to find).

concrete solution: add a read.me file with the ubuntu distribution that
gives the steps necessary to get a working installation up.

thank you! i think horde is a great approach - but if i cannot learn how
to use it, you do not gain more users!


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