[horde] iCal 2.x sends iCalendar data as application/octet-stream

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Mar 13 16:56:02 UTC 2008

Zitat von Alfonso Marí­n Marí­n <almarin at um.es>:

> Jan Schneider escribió:
>> Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
>>> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>>>> 3. Has a solution (rather, a hack to accommodate a fault in iCal 2.x)
>>>>> been considered/implemented since 3.2RC-1?
>>>> No. I could imagine checking the $browser object if we have iCal on
>>>> the wire, though this is indeed a hack. But I don't know a better
>>>> solution at the moment.
>>> What about, if we're in an icalendar method, checking the first line
>>> (or ~20 chars) of the data to see if it starts with BEGIN:VCALENDAR or
>>> similar?
>> That might work too.
> going back over this topic, i think it is already done. I mean,  
> inside _kronolith_put (api.php), the first thing it does is:
>        if (!is_a($content, 'Horde_iCalendar_vevent')) {
>             if (!$iCal->parsevCalendar($content)) {
>                 return PEAR::raiseError(_("There was an error  
> importing the iCalendar data."));
> and i think that calling parsevCalendar is safety enough to ensure  
> that $content is vcalendar data.
> I go back over this because we have a similar problema with  
> Evolution client, that sends data as application/octect-stream. But  
> it has another problem. Evolution follow the next steps to do a  
> webdav publication:
> 1 - It tries to publish without authentication data and without any  
> calendar data. If 401 Unauthorized returned by the server, evolution  
> tries to do a authentication BUT no calendar data is sent.
> 2 - If afther that athentication steps evolution get a HTTP 200 OK  
> response, it sends the vcalendar data.
> webdav.php does not handle that situation, when content is empty. I  
> have done little modifications in webdav.php and api.php, and at the  
> momment it is working for me. I attach both patches just to know  
> your opinion.
> If you think that the modifications are ok for final releases, i can  
> fire a ticket for that enhancement.

Sounds good.


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