[horde] Greek in Applications other than IMP

Antonis A Plevrakis antonis at plevrakis.net
Mon Apr 7 07:01:49 UTC 2008


Our mysql server has default greek encoding.

Whenever horde tries to insert anything in it in Greek (eg a note), We get
the error

 There was an error saving the note: DB Error: unknown error

Cjecking the log, I see that the problem is in Mysql's insert statement,
saying "the value to insert is wrong".

I think the problem is in Horde's default encoding in all its pages. How
can in enter the following tag in every rendered horde page easily:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=windows-1253">


Antonis A Plevrakis
Iraclion, Crete, Greece

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