[horde] spammers targeting horde/imp as spamming tool

Andrew Morgan morgan at orst.edu
Tue Apr 29 17:20:11 UTC 2008

On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, D G Teed wrote:

> Hey,
> Has anyone read this thread:
> http://www.nabble.com/Spamming-using-imp--td15431034.html
> Spammers are using brute force or phished login information to gain
> access to imp, and then sent out spam
> I've received a spam complaint which seems to echo this situtation.
> The first tool which comes to my mind is DenyHosts.
> Any other comments or thoughts on this trend?

We've been the target of this attack lately.  Most of our email accounts 
received a phishing email asking for their username and password.  The 
phishing email used an exact copy of a recent outage post we had placed on 
our website, so it was reasonably legit looking.

Since then, 2 of our accounts were used via Webmail to send out around 3 
million spam / phishing emails.  I spoke with one of the users and 
confirmed that he had responded to the earlier phishing email with his 
username and password.  So far, I haven't seen any brute force login 
attempts to Webmail.

I plan to implement the recipient limit feature when we upgrade to the 
next version of Webmail.  :)


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