[horde] spammers targeting horde/imp as spamming tool

Paul Faure faurep at AGR.GC.CA
Wed Apr 30 14:31:42 UTC 2008

> 2. Turn on the sentmail logs in IMP 4.2. The driver and the amount of  
> time logs are kept are configured under "Other Settings" in IMP's  
> config (or $conf['sentmail']). Once you turn on the driver, there are  
> two permissions you can set through the Horde permissions API:
>    'imp:max_recipients' => "Maximum Number of Recipients per Message"
>    'imp:max_timelimit' => "Maximum Number of Recipients per Time Period"
> The first one is a hard limit on the number of recipients for a single  
> message. The second one is limit on the number of messages that can be  
> sent in the time period configured in $conf['sentmail']. This is for  
> preventing someone from sending to exactly the max # of recipients  
> over and over again.

Im running Mail (imp) H3 (4.2-RC3)
I see in the imp/config/conf.php:
$conf['sentmail']['params']['threshold'] = 365;
$conf['sentmail']['params']['limit_period'] = 24;
$conf['sentmail']['params']['table'] = 'imp_sentmail';
$conf['sentmail']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'horde';
$conf['sentmail']['driver'] = 'sql';

No max_recipients.

This may seem like a dumb question, but where is the "Horde permissions
API" ?


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