[horde] Client side calendar posting to Horde WebDAV, alarms not being honored by Horde

Ryan Steele rsteele at archer-group.com
Wed Apr 30 22:06:42 UTC 2008

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Ryan Steele <rsteele at archer-group.com>:
>>> Looking at the code, it is looking for 'AALARM' (Audio Alarm), which
>>> is part of the vCal spec, but it looks like we should be checking for
>>> VALARM (part of iCal spec) also?
>> That sounds like a solid idea - it'd be good to support the apps
>> adhering to the iCal specs (or both) as well in this area.  I'm not a
>> software developer by trade, though I could do my best to attempt a
>> patch.  However, if you have an idea in mind, feel free to lead the
>> charge.  Any patch I provide might be workable, but slow in coming and
>> likely ugly.  :-)
> Whether you do the patch yourself or not, could you create a ticket on  
> http://bugs.horde.org/ (if there isn't already one) to track this?
> Thanks,
> -chuck

Also a good idea.  I'll do that now - thanks for the reminder, Chuck. 
(Bad pun slightly intended)


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