[horde] Sync blackberry with horde

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Fri May 23 20:12:54 UTC 2008


> I have a phone blackberry to test for a short time.
> I need synchronize the phone with  "Horde", but  I don't know  setup 
> Funambol-Client;  Someone  could explain me how to do?
> I have installed "Horde" in a LAN, in this LAN there are many 
> buildings(around 8 buildings).
>  In "Horde", I set  the login through LDAP, but the login in IMP is done
> through Cyrus.

> The question is:

> As set "Horde" to synchronize data (events, calendars) with phone?


Best regards,

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