[horde] [announce] Horde 3.2 (final)

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon May 26 09:15:51 UTC 2008

Please keep discussions on the list.

Zitat von Björn Köster <bjoern.koester at mediata.net>:

> Hello,
> many thnaks for the new versions. Will the be patch version of  
> horde, mimp and imp in the near future?

No, we intentionally didn't release patches, and the few patches that  
*have* been released were accidentally.

The reasons are that patches are outdated as soon as we release  
another version in the Horde 3.1.x series, and we can't provide  
updates for binary files with patches, and we had a lot of changes in  
binary data, namely icons and translations.


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