[horde] Notifications in Kronolith

Steve Devine sd at msu.edu
Mon May 26 21:45:14 UTC 2008

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Steve Devine <sd at msu.edu>:
>> Jan Schneider wrote:
>>> Zitat von Steve Devine <sd at msu.edu>:
>>>> For some reason invitation notifications have stopped.
>>>> When I create an event  and  invite someone the other person does
>>>> not get the invite.
>>>> I do get notices when events are added to my  calendar or if I
>>>> delete an event.
>>>> I do not get alarm notices when the  preset alarm times arrive.
>>>>  Kronollith H3 2.2.
>>>> Any suggestions?  Debug mode seems to put event_attendees in as I
>>>> would expect.
>>> Did you mark the checkbox to notify attendees?
>> Yes I clicked the checkbox.
>>> Do you get any error
>>> message? Anything in the logs?
>>  From the logs the attendee is mailtest and the calendar owner is sd.
>> ###############
>> May 26 16:11:52 HORDE [debug] [kronolith]  
>> Kronolith_Driver_sql::saveEvent(): user = "sd"; query = "INSERT INTO  
>> kronolith_events (event_id, event_uid, event_creator_id,  
>> event_title, event_description, event_category, event_location,  
>> event_private, event_status, event_attendees, event_keywords,  
>> event_modified, event_start, event_end, event_alarm,  
>> event_recurtype, calendar_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,  
>> ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; values =  
>> "c7f67d2860c7716f148aa0249e0baccb,20080526161152.37402ticqd7lxugw at ztest4.acns.msu.edu,sd,A  
>> meeting,,,CC215,0,2,a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:10:"attendance";i:1;s:8:"response";i:1;s:4:"name";s:8:"mailtest";}},,1211832712,2008-05-27
> "mailtest" is not an email address. I agree but if I put in mailtest at msu.edu it clains it cann ot read the free busy info. 
No free/busy url found for mailtest at msu.edu.
Update ...

Taking the default domain out of the kronolith  config file it then will 
then work. Seems like using this config option is creating the trouble.
>> ##########################
>>>> I also must admit I don't understand how kronolith sends out
>>>> messages and alarms without a cronjob .. I mean is there a running
>>>> process that send out these messages?
>>> It doesn't work without a cronjob, unless someone is using Kronolith
>>> at the time the alarm goes off by chance. Read docs/INSTALL.
>> Hmm  When I activate the crontab i get this :
>> PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Memcache' not found in  
>> /srv/www/ssl-htdocs/horde-webmail-1.1/lib/Horde/Memcache.php on line  
>> 108
> You have configured Horde to use Memcache but don't have the memcache  
> extension loaded.
> If you mean the php memcache extension it is loaded.
>From  horde/test.php
memcached Support (memcache): *Yes
I also have it is in horde/config/conf.php
> Jan.

Steve Devine
Academic Technology Services
313 Computer Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042
Baseball is ninety percent mental; the other half is physical.
- Yogi Berra 

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