[horde] Notifications in Kronolith

Steve Devine sd at msu.edu
Tue May 27 15:27:13 UTC 2008

Ok to recap.
I was getting this error when running the reminders.php script to send 
out email alarms for Kronolith.

PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Memcache' not found in  
>>> /srv/www/ssl-htdocs/horde-webmail-1.1/lib/Horde/Memcache.php on line  

As it turned out even though memcache was enabled in the apache module 
it wasn't in the client.
Suse uses different php.ini files for each. So enabling the extension in 
the right php.ini file fixed me up and now notifications work.

My next question is for those who run multiple frontends .. should the 
reminder.php script run on all frontends? I suspect this is neccesary if 
using inline popups but will it result in duplicate emails? Are inline 
notifications triggered via reminders.php?


Steve Devine
Email & Storage
Academic Technical Services
Michigan State University

313 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

Baseball is ninety percent mental; the other half is physical.
- Yogi Berra 

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