[horde] Using GIT for Horde?

Thomas Koch thomas at koch.ro
Wed May 28 17:54:25 UTC 2008

Am Sonntag 25 Mai 2008 23:23:37 schrieb Chuck Hagenbuch:
> Do you know about how much disk space it ended up taking? I might be
> able to run it on the cvs server if we have the space.
ls -C -w60
agora      goops      jonah      nag            swoosh
ansel      groupware  juno       nic            trean
chora      hermes     klutz      occam          turba
CVSROOT    horde      kronolith  passwd         ulaform
dimp       hordedoc   luxor      pearweb        update.sh
forwards   hordeweb   merk       presentations  vacation
framework  imp        midas      sam            vilma
genie      incubator  mimp       scry           volos
gitgc.sh   ingo       mnemo      sesha          whups
gollem     jeta       mottle     skeleton       wicked

/var/www/git/horde$ du -hs
928M    .


Thomas Koch, Software Developer

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