[horde] Imp : message list inverted

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Fri Jun 13 09:43:52 UTC 2008

Hello Frédéric,

you have asked:
> I've a problem with IMP. The message list is inverted by default. The 
> most old message are in 1st position.
> How can I fix this problem ?

You can set the default sort order in horde/imp/config/prefs.php
by assigning a suitable value to $_prefs['sortdir']. Note that the
sorting column is set as $_prefs['sortby'].

In both arrays, the component 'locked' determines whether the
setting is a mere default (that can be overridden by the user),
or a fixed setting. If you set, e. g.,
   $_prefs['sortdir'] = array(
       'value' => 0,
       'locked' => false,
       'shared' => false,
       'type' => 'enum',
       'enum' => array(0 => _("Ascending"),
                       1 => _("Descending")),
       'desc' => _("Default sorting direction:"));
then this will only take effekt for the users who have not
already saved a personal setting for this option.

With $_prefs['sortdir'] defined as above, users can set their
preference via the Webmail → Options → “Mailbox and Folder
Display Options” → “Default sorting direction” menu item.

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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