[horde] mobile browsers getting stuck in /services/portal/

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Jun 19 19:09:03 UTC 2008

Quoting Liam Hoekenga <liamr at umich.edu>:

>> I'd rather have them dropped directly into the application.  Can  
>> the "layover" in the portal be turned off in the config?  Or if I  
>> have to change code to prevent it, where should I look?
> Ok.. I think I see some of the issue..
> horde/login.php
> 	 if (Auth::getAuth()) {
> 		 if ($browser->isMobile()) {
> 			 $url = 'services/portal/mobile.php';
> 		 } else {
> 			 $url = 'services/portal/index.php';
> 		 }
> 		 require HORDE_BASE . '/' . $url;
> 		 exit;
> 	 }
> 	 /* Try transparent authentication. */
> 	 if (Auth::isAuthenticated()) {
> 		 require HORDE_BASE . '/index.php';
> 		 exit;
> 	 }
> We're using transparent auth...
> Shouldn't the transparent authentication check happen first?

No; people who have just authenticated should be sent to the index  
(where initial_application is processed, etc.) instead of being shown  
the portal. If you do the Auth::isAuthenticated check first, it'll  
catch people who were logged in already _plus_ people who are newly  
authenticated via transparent auth.

> Do users on sites that aren't using transparent auth get dumped into  
> the portal instead of their initial_application?



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