[horde] IMP 4.2 s/possilbe/sure/ bug in message count in folder summary?

Ralf Hornik Mailings ralf at best.homeunix.org
Wed Jul 2 10:40:32 UTC 2008

"Ralf Hornik Mailings" <ralf at best.homeunix.org> wrote:

> since I upgraded to horde 3.2.1 ...

better saying Imp 4.2

> folders consisting no new mails show no counts at all, but folders  
> consisting > new mails show new mail _and_ the count of all mails.

Additionally, the option "(Do not) Check folder(s) for new mail" is  
missing in the folders view.

This all does not appear in imp 4.1

> Has something been removed regarding this feature, or could this be
> a bug?

I estimate that folders.php is the mistake. Unfortunately ths  
folders.php between version 4.1 and 4.2 do quite differ so its not  
easy for me to find the bug fastly. Can somebody help?

If somebody is interessted in how that looks, here is a picture (all  
folders have mail inside...):



alles bleibt anders...

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