[horde] From address oddness in IE7 while using dimp

Steve Devine sd at msu.edu
Thu Jul 10 18:22:46 UTC 2008

While in dynamic mail, when you scroll up and down to view your message 
a link from the sender email address stays over your text making it 
difficult to read without scrolling more than needed.
Then if you mouseover the link it pops back up into the upper box (where 
the list of messages are) and while it can be accessed its behavior is 
This does not seem to be an issue in Firefox 2 or 3 nor Safari (MAC) .
Also while in IE7 we get error messages like "Stack Overflow at line 2" 
clicking on the error makes it go away for me however a colleague of 
mine reports his browser crashing at times after that message appears.
Bug or Feature?
I can supply screenshots if needed.

Steve Devine
Email & Storage
Academic Technical Services
Michigan State University

313 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

Baseball is ninety percent mental; the other half is physical.
- Yogi Berra 

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