[horde] cvs problem with 'UseNewInfoFmtStrings'

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jul 16 14:33:08 UTC 2008

Quoting munzli <munzli at olmero.ch>:

> wanted to do a cvs update and noticed that i get this error:
> cvs [status aborted]: unrecognized auth response from  
> anoncvs.horde.org: cvs pserver: /repository/CVSROOT/config:  
> unrecognized keyword 'UseNewInfoFmtStrings'
> a quick search on the net and i found out that this (probably) is a  
> server side issue with the config.

The anoncvs server is currently having an os upgrade done; once it's  
set we'll reinstall the newer version of CVS needed. Apologies for the  


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