[horde] address book lookup error

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Jul 19 13:34:20 UTC 2008

Quoting Joe Fisher <Joe.Fisher at citylightsmedia.com>:

>> Quoting Joe Fisher <Joe.Fisher at citylightsmedia.com>:
>> > Thanks is this something which can be done in prefs, or something I
>> > need to edit in a file somewhere?
>> Most likely the bad value resides in your preferences backend already.
>>   So fix it there.
>> michael
>> --
>> ___________________________________
>> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]
> May I ask what's a "preferences backend?"

It's the backend data storage for preferences.  A sql database, files  
on the filesystem, IMSP, basically whatever you configured for the  
data storage in administration->setup->horde->preference system.  What  
Michael S. is saying is that the bad value is a stored user preference  
value as opposed to a default value that is contained in a  
configuration file.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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