[horde] Compound headers in Ingo and procmail

Tim tim at sig.msstate.edu
Mon Jul 28 08:04:06 UTC 2008

Hello..  I noticed that compound headers in Ingo (config/headers.php) 
such as

    'To,Cc,Bcc,Resent-to' => array(
        'label' => _("Destination (To,Cc,Bcc,etc)"),
        'type' => INGO_STORAGE_TYPE_HEADER

doesn't get translated into the proper procmail recipe.  The above 
translates into:

    * ^To,Cc,Bcc,Resent-to: ...

which actually wouldn't match any headers.  I am guessing the best place 
to fix this is in the procmail driver but I haven't had time to look too 
much into it yet.  Right now I just comment out the compound headers 
(the special case Desitnation is all I need for procmail anyway), but a 
quick test shows that changing to '^(To|Cc|Bcc|Resent-to)' => array( ... 
in fields.php is a temporary fix for procmail (but probably breaks other 



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