[horde] webmail upgrade doesn't work correctly

Alex Marsal alex.marsal at carglass.es
Wed Aug 20 14:16:28 UTC 2008

   Thanx Jan, I changed the table name to metarairports and  
metarlocations and the script worked with no errors.

   Anyway after upgrade the new version didn't work as it should.

   Some "bugs" i've seen are:

   Traditional version:

   Main portal appears as blank page
Mail box appears as blank page but menu bar reads the folders and the  
number of mails in the mailbox
If I go to options some of them work, others are displayed as blank  
page and others half, for example without the save buttons loaded.

   Dinamic version:

   Main portal stuck in loading...
No tasks, notes or calendar appear on the left menu and no tabs
Althought dinamic versions shows the mails

   Can you help me to find the issue??


   Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> ha escrito:

> Zitat von Alex Marsal <alex.marsal at carglass.es>:
>>      Hi, I'm just trying to upgrade my webmail version and it doesn't 
>> seem to work. I get some error in the upgrade script. I've attached 
>> some of them here. Althought I can log in with the new version , I'm 
>> not getting the icons to access tooo the calendar, tasks, etc. I just 
>> can access the email, but it doesn't load the main portal page or the 
>> top navegation bar.
>>    Can someone help me?
>>    ** Please manually apply NOT NULL constraint to 'task_creator'   
>> column. ***
>> Loading database module...
>> Updating database...
>> [ ERROR! ] Reading the existing table structure failed. Error messages:
>> MDB2 Error: no such table
>> _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement]
>> [Last executed query: SHOW COLUMNS FROM metarairports]
>> [Native code: 1146]
>> [Native message: Table 'horde.metarairports' doesn't exist]
> This looks like a bug in MDB2_Schema. The table is called metarAirports
> in your database, right? MDB2_Schema uses metarairports though.
> The other errors might be follow-up errors.
> Jan.
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