[horde] webmail upgrade doesn't work correctly

Alex Marsal alex.marsal at carglass.es
Thu Aug 21 14:55:50 UTC 2008

Thanx Jan, looking at my apache error_log I've been able to solve most of the issues.

I think I'm just missing one that I can't understand, I think it's the one it's causing me that some configuration option don't appear completely.

[Wed Apr 30 07:23:08 2008] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Prefs_UI::require(): Failed opening required '/srv/www/htdocs/horde-webmail-1.1.2/config/../templates/prefs/.inc' (include_path='/srv/www/htdocs/horde-webmail-1.1.2/lib:/srv/www/htdocs/horde-webmail-1.1.2/lib/../pear') in /srv/www/htdocs/horde-webmail-1.1.2/lib/Horde/Prefs/UI.php on line 260, referer: https://tlinux.nominas.carglass.es/horde-webmail-1.1.2/services/prefs.php?app=imp

"Jan Schneider" <jan at horde.org> ha escrito:

> http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ/Admin/Troubleshoot?referrer=FAQ%2FAdmin#toc2
> Zitat von Alex Marsal <alex.marsal at carglass.es>:
>>  Thanx Jan, I changed the table name to metarairports and 
>> metarlocations and the script worked with no errors.
>>  Anyway after upgrade the new version didn't work as it should.
>>  Some "bugs" i've seen are:
>>  Traditional version:
>>  Main portal appears as blank page
>> Mail box appears as blank page but menu bar reads the folders and 
>> the number of mails in the mailbox
>> If I go to options some of them work, others are displayed as blank 
>> page and others half, for example without the save buttons loaded.
>>  Dinamic version:
>>  Main portal stuck in loading...
>> No tasks, notes or calendar appear on the left menu and no tabs
>> Althought dinamic versions shows the mails
>>  Can you help me to find the issue??
>>  Thanx
>>  Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> ha escrito:
>>> Zitat von Alex Marsal <alex.marsal at carglass.es>:
>>>>      Hi, I'm just trying to upgrade my webmail version and it doesn't 
>>>> seem to work. I get some error in the upgrade script. I've attached 
>>>> some of them here. Althought I can log in with the new version , I'm 
>>>> not getting the icons to access tooo the calendar, tasks, etc. I just 
>>>> can access the email, but it doesn't load the main portal page or the 
>>>> top navegation bar.
>>>>    Can someone help me?
>>>>    ** Please manually apply NOT NULL constraint to 'task_creator'  
>>>> column. ***
>>>> Loading database module...
>>>> Updating database...
>>>> [ ERROR! ] Reading the existing table structure failed. Error messages:
>>>> MDB2 Error: no such table
>>>> _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement]
>>>> [Last executed query: SHOW COLUMNS FROM metarairports]
>>>> [Native code: 1146]
>>>> [Native message: Table 'horde.metarairports' doesn't exist]
>>> This looks like a bug in MDB2_Schema. The table is called metarAirports
>>> in your database, right? MDB2_Schema uses metarairports though.
>>> The other errors might be follow-up errors.
>>> Jan.
>>> -- 
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> Jan.
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