[horde] adding graphic to horde login, and fix link to Mail on top banner

D G Teed donald.teed at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 14:51:05 UTC 2008

1. In the previous Horde Webmail 1.0.1 there was a file
we could edit to add our logo to the login screen.

Here is an example of how I enabled the same in 1.1.2

There is now a login.html at that location.

Around line 25 I've changed it for our installation like so:

<div id="menu">
 <span class="rightAlign"><tag:menu /></span>
<table border=0 width="80%" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td width=200 align=left>
<img src="/acadia_logo_sm.gif">
<td align="center">
 <h1 align="center"><tag:title /></h1>

2. This one is a question...  This is something I may have fudged
when adding a new link to the menu in 1.0.1 and it still is
busted the same way in 1.1.2.

In the left frame, Mail links perfectly as this is set up in registry.

On the top banner, the Mail link has the incomplete URL.
If I click Mail, it links to "/imp/" which I'd think should be rather
I see linked from the left menu.

I grepped in the entire horde install and I can't see which
file builds the link below.  In the frame source it shows like this:

<li><a href="/imp/"><img src="/imp/themes/graphics/imp.png" alt="Mail"
title="" /><br />Mail</a></li>

This link is produced in the banner by index.php in imp (as well as other php
which bring in the same banner).

When users click on that it isn't a complete URL and they see "There
are no messages
in this mailbox".

What configuration area would fix this?


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