[horde] Virtual Users and passwd

Jorge Hernandez jorgeh at fsbcomputers.com
Mon Sep 1 19:16:28 UTC 2008


I have a server configured with a virtual domain and users, I installed
horde and it's working great, but now my users want to be able to change
their email passwords, my hosting company told me that the users file is
located at /home/mydomain/etc/passwd and that I could change it there using
a script, they created the script, but the passwd module only sends args to
a script. The script only has a few functions, one that splits the email to
username and domain, one that get the path of the passwd file and one that
changes the password.

My question at this point is 

What should I add to the script to process the call from passwd change form
and make it work? 

I noticed that passwd calls the file and adds + args, but my script only has
functions, I tried adding something like

$email = func_get_args(0)

But I get an error saying that I cannot get func_get_args working this way.

Any help  or suggestions?


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