[horde] Some questions about Dimp and JSON

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Tue Sep 2 20:00:08 UTC 2008

Michael M Slusarz a écrit :
> Quoting Gerard Breiner <gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr>:
>> Hello,
>> As I already posted here, I have some problems with DIMP Link  
>> LogOut  and Options. Link "LogOut" :    When I  click on the link 
>> "Log Out" I get a window for downloading a file named LogOut which 
>> content-type is text/x-json. The content of this file  is  :
>> -----------------------------
>> /*-secure-{"response":null,"msgs":[{"type":"dimp.timeout","flags":"a:0:{}","message":""}],"msgs_auto":true}*/ 
> This has been fixed in the next release of DIMP.  Your session 
> timedout and this was the one case we weren't cataching error messages 
> (the browser-side javascript expects a URL redirect in this case, not 
> JSON data).
> michael

You say "has been fixed" . So the last cvs FRAMEWORK_3 version of  Dimp 
should be stable, isn't it ?
Moreover I am a little disappointed because the Dimp cvs version I had 
before updating in June worked perfectly.
Could you indicate me the old or new cvs version that works ?

Thanks  for your help and work Michael


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