[horde] The method "perms" is not defined in the API for DIMP

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Fri Sep 5 10:07:16 UTC 2008

Michael M Slusarz a écrit :
> Quoting Gerard Breiner <gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr>:
>> Hello,
>> Horde 3.2.2-cvs
>> IMP H3 (4.2.1-cvs)
>> Dimp H3 (1.0.1-cvs)
>> When I want to add a permissions I get a warning :  'The method 
>> "perms" is not defined in the API for DIMP'.
>> An idea please ?
> There are no permissions for DIMP.  Permissions are handled inherently 
> by the login/password necessary to access the mail backend.
> michael
Thanks for your answer Michael.
Its because I tried to put some perms which has been save in horde 
database  (horde_datatree table) . I delete it .


Université Paris-Sud 11
Institut D'Astrophysique Spatiale
Gérard Breiner
Rue Georges Clémenceau
fr-91405 Orsay-ville 

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