[horde] Dynamic, Minimalist, Traditional selection?
horde at corwyn.net
horde at corwyn.net
Fri Oct 10 17:50:38 UTC 2008
At 11:17 AM 10/10/2008, Jan Schneider wrote:
>Zitat von horde at corwyn.net:
>>>>I see the login driver needs to be the application driver to trigger
>>>>the choices for Dyn, Min, and Trad, yes?. How does everything else
>>>>know what to pick?
>Looking at the code it seems that you also have to specify the
>_horde_hook_signup_getextra, so that the signup_addextra is actually
It looks like the hook _horde_hook_signup_addextra runs when you
attempt to add a new user in /lib/Horde/Auth/signup.php, if you have
$info['extra'] defined, so I don't think I need
_horde_hook_signup_getextra necessarily
(and if I had that value to tinker with, I could use it as my SQL
query.) But I have no idea how to get $info['extra'] there.
and thus I give up. I'm about 3 layers deep into this problem, and no
idea how many more before I get it working.
I think I can work around this functionality in Horde; I'll just
manage it from the outside. Thanks for all your help.
>>I feel like it's close, but not working!
>>>>//composite of mysql and application driver
>>>>$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'composite';
>>>>//composite mysql driver
>>>>$conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['customsql_mod']['driver'] =
>>>>$conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['customsql_mod']['params'] = array(
>>>>'phptype' => 'mysqli',
>>>>'protocol' => 'unix',
>>>>'hostspec' => 'localhost',
>>>>'username' => 'postfix',
>>>>'password' => 'pfix1723',
>>>>'database' => 'postfix',
>>>>'query_auth' => 'SELECT * FROM mailbox WHERE username = \L and
>>>>password=\P; ',
>>>>'query_add' => 'INSERT INTO mailbox
>>>>(username,password,maildir,quota,domain,created,modified) VALUES
>>>>(\L, \P, CONCAT(RIGHT(\L, (LENGTH(\L)-(INSTR(\L, \'@\')))), \'/\',
>>>>LEFT(\L, INSTR(\L,\'@\')-1) , \'/\') ,\'512000000\', RIGHT(\L,
>>>>(LENGTH(\L)-(INSTR(\L, \'@\')))), now(), now());',
>>>>'query_getpw' => 'SELECT password FROM mailbox WHERE username = \L;',
>>>>'query_update' => 'UPDATE mailbox SET username = \L WHERE username =
>>>>\O) LIMIT 1;',
>>>>'query_resetpassword' => 'UPDATE mailbox SET password = \P WHERE
>>>>username = \L;',
>>>>'query_remove' => 'DELETE FROM mailbox WHERE username = \L;',
>>>>'query_list' => 'SELECT * FROM mailbox;',
>>>>'query_exists' => 'SELECT 1 FROM mailbox WHERE username = \L;',
>>>>'encryption' => 'crypt-md5',
>>>>'show_encryption' => false);
>>>>//composite application driver
>>>>$conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['application_mod']['driver'] =
>>>>$conf['auth']['params']['drivers']['application_mod']['params'] = array(
>>>> 'app' => 'imp');
>>>>//selecting the login driver
>>>>$conf['auth']['params']['admin_driver'] = 'customsql_mod';
>>>>$conf['auth']['params']['loginscreen_switch'] =
>>>>if (!function_exists('_horde_select_loginscreen')) {
>>>> function _horde_select_loginscreen()
>>>> {
>>>> return 'application_mod';
>>>> }
>>>>At 07:50 PM 10/9/2008, Jan Schneider wrote:
>>>>>2b. Use composite authentication.
>Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
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