[horde] blank page after installing horde 3.3

Luis Felipe Marzagao lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 11:39:13 UTC 2008

You could try to turn "display_errors = On" and "errors=reporting = 
E_ALL" in php.ini. Then maybe you'll get useful info instead of a blank 

J. Bakshi escreveu:
> Dear list,
> I had some problem having up-gradation from 3.1 to 3.3. Jan has already
> pointed me a link to upgrade but I always get blank page even after
> upgradation. That's why i have decided to install a fresh horde-3.3. I
> have install the pear components already suggested at the doc page and
> the test.php looks good as most of the components are there. Also
> Dropped the existing database and installed a neew one with the scripts
> available with horde-3.3
> I have
> Horde: 3.3
> PHP Version: 5.2.6
> But when ever I go to the horde interface is gives a blank page :-(
> It continues accessing the site but nothing happens rather than a blank
> page.
> I have not found anything in apache error log. Could any one kindly
> suggest what is wrong here ?
> Thanks

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