[horde] Adding a link to the sidebar

Steve Devine sd at msu.edu
Thu Nov 6 20:25:01 UTC 2008

I am following the wiki http://wiki.horde.org/CustomizeMenu in order to 
add a link to the sidebar.
It seems the app adds a trailing slash whether I want it or not.
So this line  'webroot' => 'http://techbase.msu.edu/article.asp?id=10900',
Sends the user to http://techbase.msu.edu/article.asp?id=10900/
Which our techbase server does not like.
Any thoughts?

Steve Devine
E-Mail & Storage
Academic Techical Services
Michigan State University

313 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

Baseball is ninety percent mental; the other half is physical.
- Yogi Berra

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