[horde] can't login as administrator / configuration anymore

MailingListe lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Tue Nov 18 10:33:48 UTC 2008

Zitat von Brian <voilsb at gmail.com>:

> I just installed the latest release horde and imp, and it went fairly
> smoothly. I got it set up to authenticate IMAP through IMP, and now I
> can *only* log in through IMP, and I can't seem to log in as the
> administrator anymore to make configuration changes.
> Without scrapping my config and starting over (which I'm probably
> going to do tomorrow after work), what can I do to log back in as
> admin and make config changes?
> By the way, I *did* specify users with admin privileges, so I'm not
> trying to log in as some phony "Administrator" who doesn't exist.

Double-check the following :

In horde/config/conf.php the "auth" "admins" array if the admin user  
is correctly set and is a valid IMAP user to log in. Try to set an  
other valid user to see what happens. Watch out for any errors parsing  
conf.php in the logfiles.

We once had a similar problem and it turned out to be a missing ' in  



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