[horde] Auto-completion name

Alexa Rodriguez avrodriguez at jusbaires.gov.ar
Tue Dec 2 21:29:26 UTC 2008

Hi list!

Please, excuse me my poor English. I will try to explain my problem.

In the Calendar for example: when I add a event and make a click in  
the options "Add Attendees" -> "Edit Attendees", in this section I see  
a drop-down window when show me the name and middle name (if have it)  
from the users, but don't shows me the lastname and I need see them.

I understand that the field name and lastname are configured from the  
file "sources.php." The problem is that I have not found the  syntax  
correct for this to work.

This is my current configuration:

          'name' =>        'cn',
          'lastname' =>    'sn',
          'email' =>       'mail',
          'workPhone' =>   'telephonenumber',
          'freebusyUrl' => 'calFBURL',

Also I tried this configuration, but it does not work:

          'name' => array('fields' => array('lastname', 'firstname'),
                               'format' => '%s %s',

Any suggestions?

Greetings, Alexa

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