[horde] problems writing a hook, hook called as guest before successfull login?

Dominique LALOT dom.lalot at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 15:58:52 UTC 2008


I try to write a hook for imp. I wanted to find a way to get 
search_sources working with localsql in share mode.

I did'nt understand why my hook was not working till I discovered that 
my hook was called as guest before a successfull login. So I try to get 
addressbooks for guest!
What should I do and is it normal? In the log, it appears clearly that 
imp hook is called before successfull login.

Here is my horde authentication:

$conf['auth']['params']['app'] = 'imp';
$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'application';

Dec 17 16:39:55 HORDE [error] [] tracedom hook username:  [pid 6049 on 
line 50 of "/var/www/perso/horde-webmail-1.2.1/imp/config/hooks.php"]
Dec 17 16:39:55 HORDE [debug] [] Guest user does not have READ 
permission for turba [pid 6049 on line 814 of 
Dec 17 16:39:55 HORDE [error] [] tracedom hook  readable: Guest user is 
not authorised for Address Book. [pid 6049 on line 58 of 
Dec 17 16:39:55 HORDE [error] [] tracedom hook  [pid 6049 on line 66 of 
Dec 17 16:39:55 HORDE [error] [imp] tracedom hook username:  [pid 6049 
on line 50 of "/var/www/perso/horde-webmail-1.2.1/imp/config/hooks.php"]
Dec 17 16:39:55 HORDE [debug] [imp] Guest user does not have READ 
permission for turba [pid 6049 on line 814 of 
Dec 17 16:39:55 HORDE [error] [imp] tracedom hook  readable: Guest user 
is not authorised for Address Book. [pid 6049 on line 58 of 
Dec 17 16:39:55 HORDE [error] [imp] tracedom hook  [pid 6049 on line 66 of
Dec 17 16:39:55 HORDE [debug] [imp] Hook _prefs_change_hook_last_login 
in application horde not called. [pid 6049 on line 1688 of 
*Dec 17 16:39:56 HORDE [notice] [imp] Login success for lalot [XXX] to 
{yy:143 [imap/notls]} [pid 6049 on line 304 of*

and my hook

if (!function_exists('_prefs_hook_search_sources')) {
//require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/MIME/Contents.php';
#require_once '/var/www/perso/horde/imp/lib/base.php';
     function _prefs_hook_search_sources($username = null)
global $registry;
            Horde::logMessage("tracedom hook username: $username", 
         $username = Auth::getAuth();
         if ($registry->hasMethod('contacts/sources')) {
            $readable = $registry->call('contacts/sources');
            Horde::logMessage("tracedom hook $username readable: 
".$readable, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
            //foreach ($sources as $source){



Dominique LALOT
Ingenieur Systeme et Reseaux
Universite de la Mediterrane (Aix-Marseille 2)

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