[horde] Compromised account/Spammer detection hook
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Wed Dec 17 23:18:40 UTC 2008
Looks good to. The only change I personally would do, is to attach a
complete var_dump/print_r of the identities instead of the signatures
Can you make this a patch against hooks.php.dist?
Zitat von Kevin Konowalec <webadmin at ualberta.ca>:
> Hey guys,
> Something we're constantly fighting with here is people falling prey
> to Phishing scams. We're doing our best to educate our users but
> invariably someone will send their username and password to Nigeria
> and before you know it we're getting blocked by ISPs for sending
> spam. Horde 3.3 helps a lot in this regard by allowing permissions
> to be set to limit the number of recipients a message can have and
> the number of messages that can be sent out during a specified time
> period. However, where it was falling short for us was the lack of
> administrator notification when a user had hit that limit. We want
> to be able to detect holed accounts as quickly as possible so we can
> disable and reset them without further damage being done. Horde out
> of the box didn't have this functionality so I grabbed a PHP manual
> and wrote one myself.
> I'm putting this out there to the community so that a) other admins
> can make use of it if they need something like this but also b)
> because I'm not a native PHP coder nor am I intimately familiar with
> the inner workings of the horde codebase so I'm hoping someone might
> spot something I missed or maybe suggest ways to make the code a
> little more elegant.
> Anyway... this hook detects when a user exceeds the max_timelimit
> setting and then immediately grabs the contents of their (one or
> more) signatures (since that's where they usually hide the spam
> text) and packages it up into an email message to whatever your
> "problems" email is set up to be. I also threw in a var dump of the
> 'confirm_email' field as I found a whole bunch of crap stuffed in
> there too so I just wanted to cover all the bases.
> So here's the code. Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.
> K
> // Kevin's funky _perms_hook_denied function (/horde/config/hooks.php)
> if (!function_exists('_perms_hook_denied')) {
> function _perms_hook_denied($permission)
> {
> if (($pos = strpos($permission, ':')) === false) {
> $app = $permission;
> } else {
> $app = substr($permission, 0, $pos);
> $perm = substr($permission, $pos+1,
> strlen($permission)-strlen($app)-1);
> }
> if ($app=="imp" && $perm=="max_timelimit") {
> $user = Auth::getAuth();
> $old_login =
> @unserialize($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('last_login'));
> $lastlogin = sprintf("Last login: %s from %s",
> strftime('%c', $old_login['time']), $old_login['host']);
> $timelimit = IMP::hasPermission('max_timelimit');
> // Set up message body here
> $ident =
> @unserialize($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('identities'));
> foreach ($ident as $key => $val) {
> $tmp = sprintf("Identity Sig %d --
> (%s):\n\n%s\n\n",$key,$val['id'],$val['signature']);
> $ident_dump = $ident_dump . $tmp;
> }
> $confirm =
> @unserialize($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('confirm_email'));
> $confirm_dump = var_export($confirm,true);
> $body = sprintf("We have detected a user that has
> exceeded the threshold for number of messages sent within a 24 hour
> period.\nThis could be a legitimate user se
> nding a lot of mail, but it could also be a compromised account
> sending spam.\nMost of the time the spammers stuff the spam text
> into user signatures for their own convenience s
> o that's the\nfirst place to look.\n\nThe account information
> follows below:\n\n\nUser ID: %s\n%s\n\nIdentities
> Dump:\n================\n\n%s\n\nSometimes you get really weird
> things going on with these guys stuffing spam text into\nthe
> confirmation email field. If there's anything there it should
> appear below.\n\nConfirm_email dump:\n===============
> ===\n\n%s",$user, $lastlogin,$ident_dump,$confirm_dump);
> require_once 'Horde/MIME/Mail.php';
> $subject = "Message Limit Exceeded for user $user";
> $email = $GLOBALS['conf']['problems']['email'];
> $mail = new MIME_Mail(_("[Horde Spammer Alert]") . '
> ' . $subject,
> $body, $email, $email,
> NLS::getCharset());
> $mail->addHeader('Sender', 'horde-alert@' .
> $conf['problems']['maildomain']);
> $mail_driver = $conf['mailer']['type'];
> $mail_params = $conf['mailer']['params'];
> $sent = $mail->send($mail_driver, $mail_params);
> Horde::logMessage(
> sprintf("%s Message sent to %s from %s",
> preg_replace('/^.*<([^>]+)>.*$/', '$1', $email),
> preg_replace('/^.*<([^>]+)>.*$/', '$1', $email)),
> }
> $message = @htmlspecialchars(sprintf(_("You are not allowed
> to send messages to more than %d recipients within %d hours. This
> attempt has been logged and administrators
> notified."), $timelimit,
> $GLOBALS['conf']['sentmail']['params']['limit_period']), ENT_COMPAT,
> NLS::getCharset());
> return $message;
> }
> }
> --
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